GenoExplorer™ microRNA Quantitative RT-PCR Kit

GenoExplorer™ microRNA Quantitative RT-PCR Kit

it has been developed and optimized to amplify specific microRNAs, allowing real time quantitation of miRNA expression levels.

GenoExplorer™ microRNA Full Kit

It provides a complete and comprehensive miRNA profiling analysis tool. The kit contains a set of GenoExplorer™ microRNA chips, labeling kit, hybridization and washing buffers, and protocols for use, scanning, and data analysis.

GenoExplorer™ microRNA Expression Analysis

GenoExplorer™ microRNA array products enable you to perform miRNA assays and analyses in your own laboratories. The microarray platform is flexible and compatible with most hybridization chambers and microarray scanners.

GenoSensor Corporation

GenoExplorer™ microRNA labeling kit

GenoSensor Corporation

GenoExplorer™ microRNA full kit

GenoSensor Corporation

GenoExplorer™ miRNA Biochip products and services

Product and Services

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