GenoExplorer™ Gene Expression Biochips
GenoExplorer™ Gene Expression Biochips GenoExplorer™ gene expression microarray is a high quality, completely customizable microarray that provides a cost effective and timely solution for microarray users. Oligonucleotide probes can be defined and designed by the user and supported by our bioinformatics and technical groups. Products
Services and Flows GenoSensor provides sample-in and data-out services on gene expression profiling. Customers provide the total RNA. The service and experimental flows include the database selection, probe design and synthesis, GenoExplorer™ microarray fabrications, target preparations and labeling, on-chip molecular bioassays, stains, post-reaction washes, chip scanning, chip gridding, data crunching, preliminary data analysis and data report. Contact us for pricing, sample submission, and more information. |