Plant Identification: Crop Diversity Kit I & II
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A farmer needs help identifying a plant that he hopes to cross-breed with his crops. The students are given plasmids representing three potential breeding candidates, and farmer's sample. After completing the experiment, students will not only find out the answer, but also understand restriction digests or PCR, gel electrophoresis, and genetic concepts associated with this experiment.
Each kit is good for 24 students with 6 reactions worth of material for each of the samples (The unknown and Sample A, B and C) and 24 reactions of a 2X Master Mix.
Scenario: The students are asked to help the farmer in identifying an unknown plant that he hopes to cross breed with his crops.
Multiple Plasmid DNA: Plasmid DNA is used to emulate the genetic diversity seen in plants. Four plasmid samples are included in the kit, one representing DNA from the unknown plant, and three for comparison against the unknown plant.
Ease of Use: The protocol is easy to understand and follow. Kit components are ready-made and easy to set up, reducing preparation time for instructors
Learning Application: The kit teaches the fundamental concepts of genetic diversity and real world applications in plant identification, while introducing students to restriction digests or PCR and gel electrophoresis.
Kit Components
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