Overview of Products & Services
Catalog Overview
microRNA Expression
microRNAs (miRNAs), ~21 nt non-coding small
RNAs, are involved in post-transcriptional regulations and they
are expressed in variety of cells and organisms. GenoExplorer
- microRNA biochips and assays provide for research of microRNA
expression and their profiling. microRNA arrays including human,
mouse, rat, Drosophila, C elegance, Arabidopsis thaliana, and other
species are either available or upon requests. GenoExplorer™
microarrays receive a high-quality performance indicated by high
reproducibility, signal to noise ratio, and sensitivity.
· GenoExplorer™ microRNA array full kit
· GenoExplorer™ microRNA array labeling kit
· GenoExplorer™ microRNA array chip
· GenoExplorer™ microRNA array probe set
· Other reagents related to miRNA expression analysis
· MiRNA analysis full service
MicroRNA qRT-PCR Analysis
GenoExplorer™ microRNA qRT-PCR kit provides a simple and
highly sensitive tool to quantify specific miRNAs. The kit measuring
either mature or precursor form, or both forms of miRNAs is available.
· GenoExplorer™ miRNA qRT-PCR kit
· GenoExplorer™ miRNA qPCR primer sets
· GenoExplorer™ miRNA qPCR reference primer sets
· GenoExplorer™ miRNA first-strand cDNA core kit
Gene Expression Profiling
GenoExplorer - Gene Expression Profiling
biochips include custom microarrays on your selected genes and their
alternative isoforms, whole libraries of human, mouse, rat, and
other species, and subsets of genes for expression research. We
design and manufacture microarrays, perform experiments, and send
you the final reports.
Genome Alteration Analysis
GenoExplorer provides genome alteration
analyses including polymorphism genotyping (such as SNPs and STRs),
genome organization, gene amplifications and losses, genome rearrangements.
We provide full services from custom designing and performing experiments
to sending you the final reports.
Custom microarrays provide a maximal flexibility for individuals
to design their own arrays. You provide probe chemicals and we help
to build arrays with the quality controls. Or you can simply provide
sequences and we help to design and build the arrays.
We develop and market gene products specifically for cancer and
cardiovascular diseases.
perform target preparations, such as isolation and purification
of genomic DNA, plasmid DNA, and RNA from tissues, cultures, and
Target Gene Amplification, Quantitation,
and Labeling
We provide services for gene amplification, product quantitation,
and target labeling.
Gene sequencing is performed using ABI sequencing systems.
Contact us if you
want to order or have more questions. |